Friday, November 7, 2008


Aren't the Ducks so cute. This is from trick or treating. We have a fireman with his craziest fireman face and a little baby bumblebee!

The Spaghetti Incident

Okay, so I clearly like to feed my toddlers spaghetti and see what happens!!! Here are the cutie pies each at about two years old eating spaghetti and red sauce with both hands!!! Aren't they the cutest?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

wow that was a long time ago!!!

So much has changed since the bear that bit Elmo!!! Brodie has now lost three teeth, begun his Kindergarten year (yes, you read that right). Layla is huge compared to these pictures. She has tons of hair and it's turning blonde. How crazy is that?! We all went to Hawaii for two whole weeks and wish every day that we could go back. It was amazing. I'll have to blog for hours about that one. Everybody keeps telling me to get on facebook, but I like this better. I did make an account so I could look at everybody else's stuff though! Anyway, I will try to do one day at a time and keep this updated. We'll see how it goes. This is a picture of Layla at the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. She's pulling a funny face for the camera. See, I told you her hair was much longer.

Love to all. I promise I'll do better!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The bear that bit Elmo

So when Brodie was about 3 we made up this story traveling in the car one time about a bear that lived in the forest and Elmo went into the forest and the bear bit him. We made a big huge dramatic deal about it and told it over and over. We acted it out with this little Elmo doll and toy bear and even took pictures of a bear at the zoo who was the real bear that bit Elmo. All fun and games until yesterday when we discoverd that the real bear that bit Elmo was right in our very own bathtub!! Thanks, daddy, for the hair do!

Four Wheelie Fun

Okay so, yes, I know this looks a little bit dangerous, but they were under the constant supervision of dad. and boy did Layla have fun. She laughed and laughed and bounced up and down. Damon only let them go in the front yard...not on the street!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Walking Really!

Here is a quick clip of Layla the walker! She looks a little like a newborn deer just getting its legs! Super fun. Brodie and I laughed and laughed at her sound effects at the end!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Brodie's first loose tooth

Lest you think my first-born is getting sidelined, I better put his latest accomplishment in. He loves to tell the story to any and everyone and it goes something like this.....

On Thursday we were eating dinner. And it was ribs. And while I was biting on them, I told my mom that my tooth was loose, but she said, oh, no, Brodie. It's not loose. You won't start losing teeth till you're like six. Then on Friday night, mom was brushing my teeth and I said, ouch. That hurts. And mom felt around in my mouth and, yep, my tooth was loose. She felt pretty silly that she had told me that it wasn't. Why would I make such a thing up? She should believe me next time.

So then I just wiggled and wiggled it for a couple of days. Then my dad sat me down on the couch and put a pillow in his lap and laid me down on it. He tried to pull it out the first time but it wasn't ready. So then the next day it was really, really loose. (I might add that at this point the listener is beginning to get bored, but that does not stop the tale!) That night dad put me on the couch again to try to pull it. First he tried putting dental floss around it, but that was too slippery. (the listener is now discreetly glancing at his or her watch) Then he put some paper towel around it and was asking me if I was ready and telling me it wasn't going to hurt. I was trying to be brave. He asked me if I was ready and I said I was. (the climax is building here) Then he told me it was already out and sitting on the coffee table. He had pulled it and it didn't even hurt. I didn't even know. (The listener now thinks it's time for congratulations and the end, but oh no)

I put the tooth under my pillow and the tooth fairy came. The tooth fairy in Oklahoma gives you $5 and leaves your tooth. The one in Virginia only left my mommy a quarter and took her tooth. Since my dad lived in Oklahoma he got $5 (at which point in the story Damon's dad says no way but Damon's mom says absolutely) and he got to keep his tooth. When my tooth was loose my dad went up into the attic and got all of his baby teeth down and showed them to us. (Gross to me but way cool to my son)

Can you believe that I am not even six yet and I lost a tooth?

(Now the story is for real done and the listener is free to make comments such as how cool or isn't that amazing?)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Layla turns ONE!

So no, my daughter was not born in March! January 22nd was her first birthday. (i am oh so far behind!! slowly but surely I'll catch up!)
We had a Princess Crazy Hair party for our pretty princess. Literally within days of her birthday her hair began to all lay flat and we kind of miss the Crazy Hair days. I couldn't ever get it to do anything except stick straight up!!

Layla's big buddy James brought mom and dad to her little family party. Damon's mom and dad and GiGi came. Also Kathryn's mom and dad.
It was a small, quaint affair complete with lots of tissue boxes on low tables and the floor for Layla and James to pull all the tissues out of!!

Brodie was a big helper throughout the ceremonies and present opening. Actually he planned the party theme himself. He picked out the princess cake and decorated with pink tablecloth and ballons and pink streamers. He picked out the Princess tiaras all the girls wore and put Disney princess stickers on everything. He also picked out the plates and cups that were used. He was really excited for Layla and got a kick out of being in charge of the party as the big brother.

Jone made Layla her very own cake that looked like something out of a magazine. So fun....and yes in case you're wondering the pink came out of her clothes, her hair and her diaper.....eventually! Layla was really into the cake as in eating it. I remember Brodie liking being able to get messy but not really eating very much. Layla was shoving it in!!

Just as a side note that is exactly what she does with all food. She is a crazy eating machine!! Instead of Princess Crazy Hair, we now call her Princess Piglet!! You would really not believe how much she eats all the time all day every day.

Anyway, a good time was had by all and I am personally very glad I decided to keep it low key. The stress was much less than inviting 40 of your closest friends for a full dinner and watching your one-year-old open presents....yikes (Brodie's 1st) although that was oh so fun as well.

Oh so pretty

Our church had a fun get together for the baby classes with games and they took pictures of all the cutie pie babies for us for free. How adorable is she?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Yes, I'm going to start backwards with most recent first. It's just easier this way!!! Doesn't Layla just look like a cutie pie in her little Easter dress? And don't make fun of her mullet. My friend that has two girls says if we can just stick with it, eventually the mullet will be gone. she's about ready to have her bangs trimmed though!!

Brodie is super handsome too and looks all grown up in his suit jacket and tie like daddy's.

Layla just loved the Easter bunny!!! I was assuming she would be scared, but instead she was sad when we had to walk away from him and kept waving across the park at him. Oh so cute.
So the kids have been having so much fun playing with easter eggs that I still haven't put them away yet. I guess it's only Tuesday so I'm doing all right! And yes, Layla loves the bunny ears and leaves them on while she cruises around the house! too funny

Brodie had fun doing the Elk City easter egg hunt at the park. Here's a picture of him preparing to make the dash. I promise he didn't elbow any of the other kids or anything!! He and his dad came up with a strategy to run out to the far tree and then start picking up eggs instead of starting right in front with all the other kids. They were cracking me up. But it did end up with a very succesful run seeing as how Brodie got 15 eggs as opposed to his 2 last year.

And last but not least are the pictures of Layla with her Easter basket. Oh so precious. She was totally hamming it up for the camera. Her favorite thing to do was dump the basket over as you can tell by the look on her face! Her Easter basket had bubbles, pajamas, a little cadbury bunny that chirps, sippies and one teeny tiny piece of candy that we gave to her brother!
She really loves the Cadbury bunny. can you tell?

I promise I haven't forgotten you!

I am so sorry for the halt in all blogging (is that a real word?) Somehow the Christmas holidays, Layla's birthday, traveling, Valentine's Day....bear with me I'm trying to come up with as many excuses as I possibly can.....all got the better of me and I quit taking time to share my days with you. That's no good for all the friends and family that live oh so very far away. Once it started piling up then I felt like I couldn't get caught up unless I had ten hours at the computer uninterrupted to fill you in on our whole life from December till April. Since that's not ever going to happen I'll just try to put the absolutely most importantest pictures and thoughts up and if you want more, you'll just have to comment! Thanks for bearing with me.

Now, on to the past four months....

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Peas, yum

So my daughter loves peas. How weird is that? Totally her favorite thing. frozen peas, baby food peas, peas with rice, just in general peas!! Brodie is feeding her dinner and what a photo op. He really likes doing big brother stuff and he's pretty good at it!

Fashion Model

So it's Sunday morning, and Brodie has finished breakfast and was told to go get his clothes on while we finished getting ready. He can't button by himself yet, so this is what he came up with. I think it looks like a runway model, don't you? We laughed and laughed so I thought I should share.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Is she not the cutest?!!! She loves pushing her walker around the living room but wishes there was more space. I don't let her push it on the tile or playroom cause it goes too fast for her. She pushes any toy that she can get to move all around the kitchen/playroom all the while laughing out loud.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Opening Day

Well, as you can tell, Brodie is super pumped to be up at 5 in the morning to go duck hunting with his daddy and Will. He even has camo boots that match his jacket, hat, pants, shirt, etc!!! His orange sippy cup goes with the whole wear bright orange theme i guess!

Damon and Will graciously took him with them for opening day of duck season. They didn't get anything but a great time was had by all. And if I ever think Brodie can't sit still, I just have to remember he is capable of it. They said he was very quiet.....also didn't think those words would be said about my son! The only problem was that he looked up when birds were coming which you are evidently not supposed to do? But anyway, they had a great time. And before you ask, no, he did not shoot or have a gun. He was only there to watch.

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Monster Dash

So Brodie got to be in a real race on Saturday, October 28th. He was thrilled to be able to wear his Buzz Lightyear costume and a real number. and mom was happy to go do the one mile fun run/walk (heavy emphasis on walk) with him. Well, the morning dawned bright and early as we arrived at the starting line at 7:45 AM ---- yes, that's right AM. way too early to be running anything much less a race. And the refreshment table didn't have coffee just water? Damon informed me later that most runners don't drink coffee while leisurely strolling for a walk, but that was what I had in mind at 8 in the morning not sure what was wrong with everyone else. Layla and dad stayed at home because it was a very -- and I mean VERY -- brisk morning. It felt like 28 degrees but I'm sure it was really at least 40, well maybe 55 but you get the point...cold.

Also no one had informed Brodie that you could walk in this race not just run. So I ended up running a mile. Just in case you don't know, I'm not a runner! I can walk all day long but running is a different story. needless to say, brodie was very proud to have beaten me and a whole lot of other girls!!! He ran the ENTIRE mile and finished in 12 minutes 27 seconds! He was very serious about the whole race idea!! As you can tell from the pics, he continues to get farther and farther away from me. He beat me fair and square!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Layla's New Fav Activity

So I am folding some laundry in my room while Layla plays with some toys in her room. I realize about halfway through that I don't hear her shaking a rattle anymore so I go to investigate and here's what I find.....

Now, mind you, this is not the first time she's sneaked into her brother's room to play with the tissues. Don't you think I would figure out to put the box on his bedside table not the floor?!! She was having so much fun, though. We laughed and laughed and then cleaned up. She had just finished breakfast and I hadn't quite gotten around to clothes yet in case you're wondering!!!

Uhhhhh what can I say?

So I gave Damon a new espresso machine for our anniversary. He loves it and has been using it a lot. The Lawlers brought some banana bread over after dinner and Damon made espressos for he and Will. Kathryn and I enjoyed cappuchinos, decaf mind you. Anyway, after one espresso the guys thought it was so good they should have another. After three, Kathryn and I had to regulate. Here is a silly picture of them with their teeny tiny mugs!! Crazy caffeine days at the Ducks

Very Sleepy Little Girl

Oh my is this not hilarious!! Layla woke up and ate her breakfast. Then while I washed up the dishes I put her in her exersaucer to play. About five minutes later I thought I heard snoring coming from the living room and sure enough, she was sound asleep surrounded by toys. So cute.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm 30!!

So I did actually turn 30 this month. Brodie says that I am so old, but it's in such a good way. You know, a five year old thinks it's great to be so big!!! Here is a picture of Brodie and I with some opal earrings mom and dad sent. Damon, Brodie and Layla helped me open my presents on Tuesday evening. Then on my actual birthday, I had Moms Night Out at my house with my moms club. Everyone came over and brought their wedding album and an appetizer and we all had fun reminiscing about our weddings. I had set out my china and put lit candles down on low places since there were no kiddos. Lots of fun.

Pumpkin patch

It is a Duck family tradition to go to the pumpkin patch. We usually go with several couples from church, but were only able to go with two since two others have moved hoo. But we did take some pretty cute pictures. It was also Damon and I's 6th wedding anniversary, hence the six fingers held up by both Damon and Brodie!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Oklahoma Centennial Parade

So we all went down to OKC for the official Centennial Parade celebrating Oklahoma's statehood. Tons of fun if a little windy. Brodie's favorite thing was the giant space shuttle ballon and seeing all the real live astronauts in the parade. For those of you who don't know, the most astronauts have come from Oklahoma than any other state. So since this week's favorite profession is astronaut, I have told Brodie that he has a leg up on other boys and girls just simply because he's from Oklahoma! Layla just liked the whole parade and didn't nap at all because it was so fun.