Lest you think my first-born is getting sidelined, I better put his latest accomplishment in. He loves to tell the story to any and everyone and it goes something like this.....
On Thursday we were eating dinner. And it was ribs. And while I was biting on them, I told my mom that my tooth was loose, but she said, oh, no, Brodie. It's not loose. You won't start losing teeth till you're like six. Then on Friday night, mom was brushing my teeth and I said, ouch. That hurts. And mom felt around in my mouth and, yep, my tooth was loose. She felt pretty silly that she had told me that it wasn't. Why would I make such a thing up? She should believe me next time.
So then I just wiggled and wiggled it for a couple of days. Then my dad sat me down on the couch and put a pillow in his lap and laid me down on it. He tried to pull it out the first time but it wasn't ready. So then the next day it was really, really loose. (I might add that at this point the listener is beginning to get bored, but that does not stop the tale!)
That night dad put me on the couch again to try to pull it. First he tried putting dental floss around it, but that was too slippery. (the listener is now discreetly glancing at his or her watch) Then he put some paper towel around it and was asking me if I was ready and telling me it wasn't going to hurt. I was trying to be brave. He asked me if I was ready and I said I was. (the climax is building here) Then he told me it was already out and sitting on the coffee table. He had pulled it and it didn't even hurt. I didn't even know. (The listener now thinks it's time for congratulations and the end, but oh no)

I put the tooth under my pillow and the tooth fairy came. The tooth fairy in Oklahoma gives you $5 and leaves your tooth. The one in Virginia only left my mommy a quarter and took her tooth. Since my dad lived in Oklahoma he got $5 (at which point in the story Damon's dad says no way but Damon's mom says absolutely) and he got to keep his tooth. When my tooth was loose my dad went up into the attic and got all of his baby teeth down and showed them to us. (Gross to me but way cool to my son)

Can you believe that I am not even six yet and I lost a tooth?
(Now the story is for real done and the listener is free to make comments such as how cool or isn't that amazing?)
Isn't God so great to invent teeth and then give us just the size we need when we need them? Like when we come we don't have teeth because we don't need them. Then we start getting little ones when we begin to eat Cheerios (Do you think Cain and Able had Cheerios?) or whatever little nibbly thing you want...then when we get really big, like age 5 or 6 we start getting our really big grown up teeth. How cool is that? Did you ever think of your teeth as a gift from God every day? I am so grateful for my teeth. I think I should write a silly song about teeth! Then maybe Larry-boy would sing it and we would all laugh! Because of course Larry-boy does not have teeth,,,or does he? Hmmmm that could be a subject for research.
Brodie, you were very brave to let your Daddy pull the tooth. The next one will be easier because you kind of know what to expect and also you can look forward to the $5! Love Meemaw who knows the tooth fairy and will have to consult her about the inequities in rewards in different states!
WOW Brodie!!! Emerson is soooooo jealous that you've already lost a tooth! She cannot wait until she is five "so I can go to kindergarten and lose my tooth".....even though I wish those days weren't practically already here! Your dad looks like some sort of mad dentist with his headlight on his head and the magic paper towel in his hands! miss ya'll
WOW!! There must have been two Oklahoma tooth fairies; either that or my Utah tooth fairy followed me to Oklahoma!! I only ever received 50 cents and a pack of gum!! Lucky Brodie!!!
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