Now, lest you think I am trying to use copyrighted pictures, please note that I took a picture of the picture (also the reason why my head looks a funny shape!). The guy at the Wal-Mart photo center did not see it that way when I tried to print one, but that's okay. I didn't know that if you took a picture of a copyrighted picture that even your picture was copyrighted? I think he was just having a bad day. Have you ever noticed how strange they are at the photo center at Wal-Mart or is it just me? we got some great family pics taken and one of Brodie and Layla that is hysterical. He is lying down propping his head up with his hand trying his hardest to be still and smile and she is sitting sorta behind him. well, she grabbed a giant handful of his hair and is pulling super hard and he has this look on his face like, Seriously? It's hilarious. And by the way, getting pictures taken is so stressful but the result is always good.
1 comment:
The best shot ever of the Norman Ducks. I love it and all of you. I told you you cannot copy those pictures at the machine...only at home on your color copier...where the picture police cannot find you.
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