So Damon finally sold his motorcycle that he has been talking about selling for five years. He used it in college but never really rode it here in Norman. Boy did he love that bike. Well, it was hard enough for him to part with it that I guess he couldn't sell the helmet too!!! Just in case you're wondering: yes, this is a power wheel and not some gas powered thing like they want me to allow them to get!!! Brodie will have one very protected head while riding, huh?!
Fun after dinner activities at the Duck household. They rode down the street to check on a neighbor who is re doing a house that he bought to flip. Oh boy, I wonder what the neighbors thought of my big headed boy!!! I guess this fits well into his what I want to be when I grow up idea for today which was racecar driver. Yesterday was football player which I assured him he could do if he wanted. before you ask how my 30 pound five year old could ever play football let me assure you that I'm pushing for kicker. Don't you think that's the safest position as well?!!! I didn't take a picture but here's a fun story of our yesterday. Tuesday night at bedtime Brodie asked me what we were going to do tomorrow. I told him I didn't have any plans. What would you like to do? You can pick. He decided on playing all the games in his closet and eating popcorn. So yesterday was spent having Gamapalooza at my house!!! what a great idea he had. And for the record I should report that Brodie won a whole lot more than me...and no, I didn't let him win. He really won fair and square. I did manage to win Candyland however. He ate his whole bag of popcorn which I put in the biggest bowl we could find in the house and then proceeded to eat half of mine. He loves popcorn. Tonight after dinner he asked if he could have popcorn for dessert. I'm all about that!
I think he should play football, be a racecar driver, and ride his motorcycle to the local theater where he pops the popcorn and eats the leftovers! :-)
How's that for KID RULES!
Julie, the Virtual Mom :-)
Is this how he plans to get to school everyday? What a chick magnet! Ella better watch out!
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