Brodie had his first sleepover Sunday night. Our friend Luke came over and played and played and watched movies and they got to sleep in the same bed. They giggled and talked till midnight and then were up at 6:45 AM asking me for chocolate milk!!! Oh my!! I don't really do 6:45 very well as you all know, but it was very fun to listen at the door last night while they were pretending to be going to sleep. Luke loves Layla as you can tell. He is going to be having a little brother or sister in February so this is good practice for him. Tons of fun was had by all...even me and Damon
The "flashlight boys" look like they are having a ball. Love it.
I only time I remember you seeing 6:45am was during my pledging and you were picking me up; thus only for Atheneans will you function at 6:45am!! HA HA
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