So much has changed since the bear that bit Elmo!!! Brodie has now lost three teeth, begun his Kindergarten year (yes, you read that right). Layla is huge compared to these pictures. She has tons of hair and it's turning blonde. How crazy is that?! We all went to Hawaii for two whole weeks and wish every day that we could go back. It was amazing. I'll have to blog for hours about that one. Everybody keeps telling me to get on facebook, but I like this better. I did make an account so I could look at everybody else's stuff though! Anyway, I will try to do one day at a time and keep this updated. We'll see how it goes. This is a picture of Layla at the pumpkin patch a few weeks ago. She's pulling a funny face for the camera. See, I told you her hair was much longer.
Love to all. I promise I'll do better!